Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I have been in California for about a month now and I have been blessed by so many wonderful experiences.  Here are just a few things that I have seen.
I was able to go back to Yosemite and see it in a whole new way...without clouds.  Needless to say, glacier point was wonderful.  


Another weekend, we took a trip to San Francisco.  Surprisingly, the tour of Alcatraz was one of my favorite parts. 


In addition to all I have seen, I have learned quite a few things.   Here we go: 
-God's timing is truly perfect and we have to trust in it.  By following His lead and coming out to Tahoe early, I have seen how He has worked out so many little details in life. 
-"Don't live in the past or you will die in the past."
-Grace is everything.
-We need to love people...all people. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013


SO I finally made it! I made it to Tahoe and started my job.  The lake is truly like noting I have ever seen before.  The clear water and the vastness is amazing.  Mountains covered with snow sourround the lake along with towering pine trees. 


As for work, things have been going well.  So much to learn but I'm catching on and enjoying the relationships I'm building with my preschoolers and the wonderful people I work with.  Even thought I have only been here for a short time, I have seen how God is working in this place.  I'm very excited to see my role in this and continue to get to know my students!