Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I have been in California for about a month now and I have been blessed by so many wonderful experiences.  Here are just a few things that I have seen.
I was able to go back to Yosemite and see it in a whole new way...without clouds.  Needless to say, glacier point was wonderful.  


Another weekend, we took a trip to San Francisco.  Surprisingly, the tour of Alcatraz was one of my favorite parts. 


In addition to all I have seen, I have learned quite a few things.   Here we go: 
-God's timing is truly perfect and we have to trust in it.  By following His lead and coming out to Tahoe early, I have seen how He has worked out so many little details in life. 
-"Don't live in the past or you will die in the past."
-Grace is everything.
-We need to love people...all people. 

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